3 Simple Ways to Prepare for Your Personal Branding Session

Are you ready to elevate your business? Do you need beautifully curated images to leverage your content, sell your product or service, and humanize your brand?

A personal branding photo session can help you achieve these goals.

So you get it. A personal branding session is important. So it’s best if you prepare yourself well before the big day. Here are 3 simple tips to get yourself ready for the shoot:

mood /vision boards

Start with your vision. How do you want to use your images? Where will you use your images? Do you want more headshots, product shots or you “working” shots? What look and feel do you want your images to have? Any must do poses? Time to do a little scrapbooking and make your vision come to life. Your best bet is Pinterest. This is the BEST virtual tool we can use to get a basic idea of your dream session. I will create a board for you so I can see all of your inspo pics!

brand colors and wardrobe

personal branding sessions connecticut

Here’s my own branding headshot. The colors of my photography business are beige and rose. See how I dressed in my brand colors? Now using these images online will enhance, not compete with the look and feel of my brand.

You will share your website and social media handles with me. I can take a look at your online presence and see what colors and mood you already portray. Are you looking to stick with that or scrap it and change it completely? Think of the colors that represent your business or brand and communicate that with me. We will be sure to incorporate these colors in your session!

This also goes along with your clothing. We will work together to help you dress your best but keeping brand colors in mind for your wardrobe is a great way to keep things cohesive throughout.


CT branding photo session

This one may seem obvious, but pictured here is a florist so naturally I captured her creating her art. She often times has her kids with her while in her shop, so we were sure to capture some images of them as well.

Are there any props that are essential to your brand? Are you an author? Then we will shoot you with your books, of course! An artist? We will get images of you creating your art. Are you a service provider? Do you want real life shots of you working with clients? Do you work a lot on a computer? We will get that too! Is a lot of your job on the go? Where do you go? I’ll

meet you there! Think about your daily life and make a list of your process and the tools you work with. Incorporating your “props” is an amazing way to create authenticity in your images.

Ready to book your personal branding session? Want to up level your website and social media to help reach more clients or sell more products?

Contact Melissa and let’s start planning your session!